☄ïļTranscendent Tadpoles

Transcendent Tadpoles are Immortal tadpoles that have transcended their former forms to a higher existence.

For a small time, players are able to use their PD-WL and a Healthy or Chipped Tadpole to create a Greater Transcendent Tadpole or a Lesser Transcendent Tadpole.

The team will announce a window in which players may mint their Transcendent Tadpoles. Players must have all the necessary requirements to mint the Transcendent Tadpole and once the window closes there may not be another chance to get these again!

Players will need to go to Tony's Market when the window opens and will be able to choose either a Greater Transcendent Tadpole or Lesser Transcendent Tadpole to mint. Greater Transcendent Tadpole:

A Greater Transcendent Tadpole will cost 1500 PD-WL (at the time of its release) and either a Healthy or Chipped Tadpole. Once the mint ends, the requirements will no longer be valid.

The Greater Transcendent Tadpole offers an amazing 5 PD-WL per day (even more when paired with a Frog!) and the added benefit of not being damaged upon transferring to another wallet or through a sale on secondary markets like Opensea! Lesser Transcendent Tadpole:

A Lesser Transcendent Tadpole will cost 750 PD-WL (at the time of its release) and either a Healthy or Chipped Tadpole. Once the mint ends, the requirements will no longer be valid.

The Lesser Transcendent Tadpole offers 2.2 PD-WL per day (even more when paired with a Frog!) and the added benefit of not being damaged upon transferring to another wallet or through a sale on secondary markets like Opensea!

FAQ: Will the team release more transcendent Tadpoles? There is no plans at this time to release more transcendent tadpoles. If the team does release them in the future the cost may change entirely.

There is not a bunch of LP to purchase the PD-WL. Will the team add more? There is no plans to add any LP to PD-WL. The team allows users to setup the LP if they choose to want to trade it or supply. These mints are for those that held on to PD-WL and to reduce the overall supply.

What kind of effect will these increase in PD-WL have? The current estimate is that this will set back the overall PD-WL by around 3 months. During this time, the team will add more uses and drains for the PD-WL.

I am having issues with getting my PD-WL approved. Why is this occuring? You may be trying to approve more PD-WL than you have in wallet. Please set this to a lower amount.

The game is asking for approval to access to my NFTs why? The Tadpole mint requires a healthy or chipped tadpole and needs access to burn these. You will need to grant approval to burn these for the transcendent.

Last updated