❓The purpose of Project Dignity Frogs

A key to early access for Project Dignity and Sunflower Land's First Unique NFT

Project Dignity Frogs are more than just a decoration for your virtual farm in Sunflower Land. Each frog has a unique combination of properties that sets it apart from all the others, with some being more common and others being truly rare. These frogs were initially created to serve as companions in Sunflower Land, but have since taken on a life of their own and become crucial to the future of our project.

As developers behind Project Dignity, we saw a need for a unique and meaningful NFT collection and sought to create something truly special and distinct. Project Dignity Frogs serve as a symbol of our commitment to creating valuable and meaningful virtual assets, and as owners of these frogs, you will have exclusive access to our whitelist token (PD-WL) for future mints.

Join our community, built on kindness, openness, and strong moral values, and start your collection of these unique and valuable virtual assets. Show off your Project Dignity Frog with pride, knowing that you are a part of a community that values transparency, ethics, and a passion for gaming at its core.


  • Name (Unique to each frog)

  • Rarity (Computed depending on highest rolled rarity of color/hat/float)

Some can have matching hats, or colors, or floats, but each frog cannot have the same combination of properties that's why each one is unique! ðŸļ

Last updated