How To Incubate?

This page shows you how to incubate your tadpoles and some other nifty tricks!

Finding the Incubator in Arcadian Reclaim

For this head over to the overworld map and go to the Laboratory. This is the building marked with an exclamation mark (!).


After you have succesfully located the Laboratory, the next step is to locate the Incubator. Click on the Laboratory and explore what the brightest scientists have to offer you.

After you have succesfully clicked on the Laboratory you can see which creatures are in your Inventory (your wallet). Click on your creatures to see what their name is, their rarity and their health.

Now the fun part! Incubating your creatures can be done via the Incubator tab. The following steps need to be taken:

  1. Click on an Empty Incubator;

  2. Click on incubate;

  3. Select the creatures you want to incubate together;

  4. Finally again click on incubate.

The last step will prompt a transaction request since this part interacts with the Polygon blockchain.

Congratulations, you're all done now!


The simulator is a handy tool where you can simulate how much PD-WL creatures can gather. Test it and find out which combos work best for you!


What about the Sunflower Land Incubator?

The Sunflower Land Incubator works in a very similar way as described above. The only difference is that you can only incubate a Tadpole together with a frog and that Frog rarity does not give you increased rewards. The Incubator can be found in the community garden. To go there, there are two main ways:

  1. Via the settings ingame (Cog wheel on the bottom right > ... > Community > community garden)

  2. Go to helios and click on the NPC with the backwards hat on (just above the old Grubshop).

As time goes on we presume more people will migrate to the Arcadian Reclaim incubator (at the time of writing only 68 Tadpoles are still incubated in the old SFL Incubator contract).

Last updated