
The following page describes the uses the seagulls offer!

Seagulls are fickle creatures. They are tenacious and strive to feed their insatiable hunger. The seagulls offer their expertise in gathering food to players with their efficient gathering techniques.

Something new on the horizon?

Seagulls will be the first creature to get access to a new list of tasks. These tasks are focused on short small bursts to collect more resources than their counterparts. There is an option for those that are unavailable to allocate the time necessary; however, the risks are quite immense.

New Tasks!

Expeditious Task

The first new task is called Expeditious. This offers a shorter window to gather with increased benefits than the task for seals and otters called Rapid.

The following offers 160% gathering bonus and the tasks only take 1-4 hours. A quick way to replenish your resources! However, haste makes waste and while the earnings are more the exhaustion gained is increased as well. A creature will get 15% exhaustion (scaling per task completed) for each task.

Overnight Task

The second and final task is called Overnight. This offers players a window that would last generally all day.

The team understands everyone has things outside the game and the seagulls have a solution for that too. The overnight task offers 100% gathering and takes 16-24 hours; however, one task will give 100% exhaustion!

You will need to make a choice which you would like to use. Will you choose the quick task and potentially lose track of time and miss guaranteed resources but a chance at more? Or will you take the more time consuming option that will rest your creature after use. Choose wisely!

A new creature a new diet?

Seagulls have found themselves relishing the delicacy of the pebble. Some say they confused this from their wintery counterpart, the penguins, who offered these as a sign of love. They say that a pebble is a gift to win the heart. Well... Seagulls took this as a pebble is good for the heart.

The pebble!

The pebble is the only food source (currently) for the seagulls. The pebble will reduce exhaustion for seagulls by 10%. Its a strange source of food but seems to work for them.

Impulsive gathering?

The seagulls tend to lose track of what they were doing and may easily become confused. While the main focus is gathering food, they may end up returning with something unexpected.

There is a 5% chance that seagulls may return with a resource other than food!

But wait? I wanted to gather food?

The seagulls have a small chance to return something not expected; however, this comes with a bonus! Seagulls have a modifier to return extra resources based on their rarity!

Rarity Modifiers:

RarityModifier %








+ 20%





So while you may not get what you were looking for, you may end up with a little extra of something else!

Construction Specialist:

To Be Updated in the future!

Last updated