🌟Rarity Modifiers

Each creature will have a rarity associated to them ranging from common to mythic. These rarities will impact various aspects that creature experiences within Arcadian Reclaim!

Resource Gathering

Creatures engaging in resource gathering will have the following rarity modifiers.

Common | +0%

Uncommon | +2.5%

Rare | +5%

Epic | +12.5%

Legendary | +30%

Mythic | +250%

Woah! Why such a difference?

These modifiers are based on the total impact each rarity has on the game. There are more common and uncommon creatures than legendary and even rarer mythic. Also, if you have a legendary or mythic; you should experience that joy not only if you mint/buy it, but being able to use it in game!

Does this seem unfair?

Some would say yes, however; that is not the case. All creatures have a use. The rarer creatures do offer more boosts. Nonetheless, users can get the cheaper/more available common creatures which (when used in mass) gets more resources in total.

What other rarity modifiers are there?

As the team builds, more elements will be added to this page. Currently, resource gathering is the only feature that is being impacted.

Last updated